New Challenges in the Labour Market Resarch Group

The global financial crisis of 2008-2010 created more complex, and at world economic level much bigger pressure than the previous periods of short- or medium-length periods. There is a structural transformation going on, with effects on our everyday life. This transformation calls for fast and effective answers from the economic and educational actors and leaders. Our goal is to summarises the advantages /disadvantages based on international and Hungarian analyzes. The research group analyzes the factors that have been forming the economic sector for the last ten years in Europe. We refer to both the international and the Hungarian context. Education is increasingly becoming an instrument vagy a tool of social and economic policy and its key role is indisputable.

The new challenges:
- Workers in the developed world have become more mobile; there is an internal mobility in Europe: the workforce is moving to the developing economies, to the ‘hotspots’.
- There is no sector or market player on the market today who are not suffering from the shortage of well-trained workforce. In the public mind, labour shortage is identical with the scarcity of talented, well-trained employees, but in practice, we are facing two phenomena.
- The economical changes of the last 3-5 years have an impact on the work environment as well. The expansion of atypical employment is an increasing tendency.
- The competence required to do the job has also changed.


Imola Cseh Papp Head Of Research Group, Habil. Associate Professor
Room: 405


Zsuzsánna D. Babos Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3802
Room: 436
Szilvia Lakner Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3833
Room: 438
Csilla Molnár Research Group Member, PhD Student
Krisztina Nagy Research Group Member, PhD Student
Lilla Tamás Research Group Member, PhD Student
Ildikó Dunás-Varga External Member, Lecturer
Phone/ext.: 358-5571
Room: B/107/c
Zsófia Frányó External Member
Mária Kraiciné Szokoly External Member, Hon. Associate Professor
Phone/ext.: + (36-1) 461-4500 / 3806
Room: 439

Lecturers, researchers