

Research of Organizational and Leadership Psychology Research Group

The group main goal is to further develop the newest trends in the study of  organizational behavior and leadership in Hungary. The main focus is to investigate how organizational success is influenced by personal, organizational and environmental factors. The cognitive and behavioral aspects of leadership is analyzed, with special attention to the process of personal development to become a leader, the interpretation of leadership and followership.

Current topics:

Organizational success

  1. The representation of success and failure in organizations
  2. The representation of success and organisational trust

Positive organizational behavior

  • Psychological capital
    1. The adaptation of PsyCap scale to Hungarian organizations
    2. The relation between PsyCap, attitude to change, organizational commitment
    3. International comparison of the relationship of PsyCap with perception of success, burnout and workalcoholism
  • Voice and silence in organizations
    1. The relation between voice behavior, work motivation, psychological capital, organizational safety, cynicism
    2. Implicit voice theory in Hungarian organizations
    3. Voice, silence and organizational culture
  • Cognitive and behavioral aspects of leadership
    1. Leaders ‘views of organizational change
    2. Lay theories about leaders’ behavior in different organizational cultures
    3. The influence of role identity in the process of becoming a leader: the transition process from an individual contributor role to a leader role in an organization
    4. Leaders’s behaviour and organisational trust

The Effect of Becoming a Leader on Role Identity

  1. Change of individuals’ sense of own power,
  2. Change of individuals’ attitude towards power,
  3. Change of individuals’ attitude towards agency / agentic behavior,
  4. Change of individuals’ attitude towards responsibility / communal behavior.


Head of Research Group
Prof. Dr. Klara Faragó