Reserarch Field Practices (Former Research Papers)
Research Field Practices (Former Research Papers)
- You should
- complete your work during the tuition period and
- receive a grade (three scaled) - and evaluation for complete studies only - by the end of the first week of the exam period.
- You are
required to complete four Research Field Practice/Research Paper courses, one in each of the main fields:
- Personality Psychology,
- Social Psychology,
- Developmental Psychology,
- Cognitive/Affective Psychology.
- You will
- receive a grade (three scaled) for all your completed Research Field Practices/Research Papers,
- only get a written evaluation with a proposed grade for the full research papers / for the full study out of the four research field practices
- You might need
- an ethical permission, please, contact your supervisor and for the details, please, see Ethics
If you started your study programme
- before 2016:
Out of the four research papers, at least two should be a full research paper
- in 2016:
Out of the four research papers, at least one should be a full research paper
- in/after 2017:
You have four research field practice papers (one will be developed to a complete study as your thesis work within the Thesis Seminar course in the last semester)
Manuals – for research field practices/research papers and thesis (portfolio):