MeiCogSci Info for Outgoing Students

About MeiCogSci:

Our master’s programme at ELTE (Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience, Msc) is part of the Middle European interdisciplinary master’s programme in Cognitive Science (Mei:CogSci). For more information check the Mei:CogSci homepage. Eligible students can join this programme by spending one mobility semester at one of our partner universities in their 3rd semester and also attending the student conferences.

By successfully completing the MeiCogSci requirements you will receive a cerificate of the MeiCogSci programme completion (supplementary document) in addition to to your ELTE diploma.

Eligibility to join MeiCogSci:

  • You must be enrolled to our ELTE master's Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience, Msc.
  • Students with the hungarian state scholarships Stipendium Hungaricum are not eligible to join.

Requirements to complete MeiCogSci:

  • Complete a full semester (3rd semester of the masters programme) at one of our partner universities (University of Vienna/Comenius University, Bratislava/ University of Ljubljana).
  • Attend two student conferences both at the end of your 1st (poster presentation) and 2nd (master thesis presentation) year (organized usually in the middle of June).


  • The mobility semester can only be done in the winter semester, i.e., third semester. It can be extended into the subsequent summer semester (e.g., when students do their master's thesis at the partner university).

  • The MeiCogSci programme requires to do the mobility semester at one of the MEi:CogSci partner universities. 

  • By applying to the MeiCogSci programme as an ELTE student you acknowledge that you have to attend as a 1st and 2nd year student the Mei:CogSci Conference organized annualy. Next conference: 2024 June:  University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • All deadlines of the host and home university need to be met in order to successfully finish the mobility semester.


About the mobility semester:

  • To get financial support you can apply to Erasmus+ scholarship for your mobility semester. Applications are opened usually from the beginning of Feb. until start of March. See details at the ELTE info site.

  • If you receive an Erasmus+ scholarship for your MeiCogSci mobility semester you must fullfil the Erasmus+ rules in every regard. In special cases (not receiving Erasmus+ scholarship) other financial aid is availablbe via CEEPUS grants.

  • To complete the MeiCogSci mobility semester you also have to have an approved MeiCogSci learning contract, which is a document about your moibility semester courses among the MeiCogSci partner universities. This document is different than your Erasmus Learning Agreement.

About the student conferences:

  • Student conferences are organized annually by one of the partner universities. 

  • Before the conference, MeiCogSci students take part in a peer-review process of the conference journal where their abstracts are published.

  • Usually the date is set to the middle of June. This means that you will have to organize your travel and accomodation to the conference which will be held during your exam period. 

  • At the end of your 1st year you must attend the MeiCogSci Conference with a poster presentation.

  • At the end of your 2nd year you must attend the MeiCogSci Conference by giving a 15-min presentation about your MA thesis project


Application deadline: 2024 DEC 31, via an online form sent by the ELTE Coordinator.

MeiCogSci programme timeline:

  • September: If your are eligible to join MeiCogSci, your local MeiCogSci coordinator will contact you in September via email.
  • December: Apply via an online form until 31. Dec
  • January: Student distribution decisions are in January. You will be contacted via email about whether your first or second choice university can host you during your mobility. (ELTE students so far always got their first choice, but this is not garanteed.)
  • February-March: apply to Erasmus+ scholarships to get financial support for your MeiCogSci mobility semester. 
  • May: send in your poster/talk abstract to the student conference and take part in the peer review process.
  • June: Attend the annual student conference with your poster (1st year) or master project talk (2nd year).